June 2024


Director’s Update

June 2024

Hello Band Families,

It is hard to believe that this is the last director update for the year! As we wrap up there are a couple items to go over.


We will again have Jazz Band perform before the graduation ceremony. Once they are done performing additional Band members will take their seats to play Pomp and Circumstance. We will stay for the ceremony to support and cheer on our graduating bandies. The additional band students will need to sign up on the sheet in the band room to perform. Those students that are performing (including all of jazz band) will need to meet in the band room by 3:00pm on Thursday, June 6. We will take a bus to Mariucci Stadium on the UofM campus for the ceremony and be bused back to North at the end of the ceremony. We should be back to school around 8pm. Students should wear nice clothes and a snack to eat before we leave.

Jazz Band seniors will ride the bus up with us in their gowns. The band will take their instruments back to North and they can pick them up on Friday morning OR make additional arrangements with Dr. Wanken to pick up the student’s instrument at the ceremony or a later date.

Instrument Check in

We will be cleaning and checking school instruments in the next two days. If you have a school instrument at home please bring it in as soon as possible to arrange a time to have your instrument checked in. All Students graduating or not returning should turn in their instrument (including any instrument at home immediately). We will be reissuing instruments and students can pick them up Friday after school or Monday morning.

Schmitt Store

We are handling instrument supplies a little differently going forward. Schmitt Music has an online store where you can order your instrument supplies. When you order, make sure to choose “school delivery” as an option and the sales representative will delivery the supplies to school each week. This is an easy way to order supplies from a trusted store and you do not have to travel to pick it up (win/win). If there is a product that you would like to order, but do not see it on the store, please let me know and I can get it added. If you have any reeds left on your reed card, Dr. Wanken will be handing those out to you this week. Here is the link: shop.schmittmusic.com/lakeville-north-high-school-band/

Summer Band

Don’t forget to register for summer and fall marching band. Note that the following link has information and sign up forms for both summer band and fall marching band. Please make sure to fill out both forms if you are interested in participating in both. LINK

Please remember to sign up for Fall Marching Band ASAP!We need to send our instrumentation numbers to the drill writer soon and we want to make sure everyone is accounted for in the drill.

Thank you again for a fantastic year!

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Kind,
Dr. Wanken